Thursday, December 20, 2007
Looking for something?
Well, did you know that you can search our entire website (, as well as our blog (, in one fell swoop? Give it a try here!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Christmas Recommendation and New Great Reads List

Try On Strike for Christmas, by Sheila Roberts. It's a fun fun, witty book about a group of women who meet for a knitting club and decide to organize and go on strike for Christmas. They all have their own complaints about how much work it is (and it always seems to be "women’s work") to make Christmas happen each year. Who does the shopping, the cleaning, the cooking, and gift wrapping if they are on strike? These ladies come up with a solution, but it may just backfire! Just a quick, fun read.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Missing something?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Recommended Literature Websites
Another book-oriented site is “Your guide to exceptional books.” There are books and book group areas to explore, including interviews for book clubs, lists of recommended books, recent paperback and hardcovers, and lots more.
Both of these websites have at least a certain level of access for free, otherwise there is a membership charge.
--The Reference Librarians
Monday, December 10, 2007
Flute Sweets and Tickletoons
This event was made possible by the generous donations of the members of the Perrot Memorial Library Association. Are you a member? THANK YOU!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Winners of the Bi-Annual Y2C2 Jeopardy Challenge!
We are pleased to announce the winners of our bi-annual Young Young Critics' Club (Y2C2) Jeopardy challenge and the current holders of the Wonderful Golden Y Award!
Although they faced serious competition from Team Bookworms, Team Bouncing Bananas, and Team Stinky Cheese, it was Team Four, with members Sarah, Karla, Emily B., Mary, Cristian, and Thomas, that emerged victorious.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A Reminder About Winter Weather Delays and Closings
There are several ways you can find out about a weather-related delayed opening or closure at Perrot:
- Call us at 203-637-1066, to hear a recording listing a delay or closure
- Check Channel 12 News on TV, or look at their website
- Listen to AM Station WSTC 1400 or WGCH 1490
Remember that our delayed openings and closures are not necessarily concurrent with those of the Greenwich Public School system.
Here is our Cancellation Policy for our Youth Services Programs:
- For Preschool storytimes at 10 A.M., 11 A.M., and 1 P.M.: Programs are cancelled if the Greenwich Public Schools are closed due to weather conditions. Programs will be held if the Greenwich Public Schools have a delayed opening due to weather conditions. 1 P.M. programs will be cancelled if the Greenwich Public Schools are released early due to weather conditions.
- For School-Age storytimes at 4 P.M.: Please call the library in the late afternoon to find out if programs will be held.
- For PJs at Perrot: PJs will be cancelled if Greenwich Public Schools are closed or released early due to weather conditions.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Youth Services' Holiday Gift-Buying Guide 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007
New York Times' 10 Best Books of 2007
- Man Gone Down, by Michael Thomas: On the eve of the unnamed narrator's thirty-fifth birthday, he finds himself broke, estranged from his white wife and three children, and living in the bedroom of a friend's six-year-old child. He has four days before he's due in Boston to pick up his family, four days to try to make some sense of his life.
- Out Stealing Horses, by Per Petterson, translated by Anne Born: Trond is living in self-imposed exile in a primitive cabin, but his solitude is interrupted when he meets his only neighbor, the brother of his childhood friend, who forces him to remember the fateful summer of 1948.
- The Savage Detectives, by Roberto Bolaño, translated by Natasha Wimmer: Bolano traces the hidden connection between literature and violence in a world where national boundaries are fluid, and death lurks in the shadow of the avant-garde.
- Then We Came to the End, by Joshua Ferris: No one knows us quite the same way as the men and women who sit beside us in department meetings and crowd the office refrigerator with their labeled yogurts. Every office is a family of sorts, and the ad agency Ferris depicts is family at its strangest and best.
- Tree of Smoke, by Denis Johnson: This is the story of William "Skip" Sands, CIA-- engaged in Psychological Operations against the Vietcong-- and the disasters that befall him. The 2007 National Book Award Winner.
- Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran: The Washington Post's former Baghdad bureau chief takes us with him into the Zone: into a bubble, cut off from wartime realities, where the task of reconstructing a devastated nation competed with the distractions of a Little America.
- Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression, by Mildred Armstrong Kalish: Filled with recipes and how-tos for everything from catching and skinning a rabbit to preparing homemade skin and hair beautifiers, apple cream pie, and the world's best head cheese, Little Heathens portrays a world of hardship and hard work tempered by simple rewards.
- The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court, by Jeffrey Toobin: Based on exclusive interviews with the justices themselves, The Nine tells the story of the Supreme Court through its outsized personalities.
- The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History, by Linda Colley: Conceived in Jamaica and possibly of mixed race, Elizabeth Marsh (1735-1785) traveled farther than the majority of men in her day. She was the first woman to publish in English on Morocco, and the first to carry out extensive explorations in eastern and southern India.
- The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, by Alex Ross: A history of the twentieth century, as seen through its music.
DVD Diva: Holiday Classics
With the Holiday Season just around the corner, why not plan on seeing some of these holiday favorites:
It's a Wonderful Life * Miracle on 34th Street * Scrooge * A Christmas Story * Home Alone * Home Alone 2: Lost in New York * Eight Crazy Nights * Kwanzaa * There's No Such Thing as a Chanukah Bush, Sandy Goldstein * National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation * Elf * Santa Clause 2
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
One day you’re ‘in’ . . .
This week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine (November 30), the one with J. K. Rowling, EW’s choice for Entertainer of the Year, on the cover, includes a regular "What’s In, What’s Five Minutes Ago, and What’s Out" feature by Jessica Shaw. So what’s IN? "Getting a library card"! So "Five Minutes Ago" is reading in the bookstore, while buying books online is OUT!
Visit us soon to get or use the coolest card you can carry!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Brian Selznick Visits the Book Clubs

Books on Entertaining

Here are some books that may help (click on each title to place a request):
- Perfect Tables : Tabletop Secrets, Settings and Centrepieces for Delicious Dining, by William Yeoward
- Table Flowers, by Paula Pryke
- Napkins with a Twist : Fabulous Folds with Flair for Every Occasion, by David Starke
- What to Drink With What You Eat : the Definitive Guide to Pairing Food with Wine, Beer, Spirits, Coffee, Tea-- Even Water-- Based on Expert Advice from America's Best Sommeliers, by Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page
- Perfect Parties: Tips and Advice from a New York Party Planner, by Linnea Johansson
Stop by and see our selection of cookbooks, books on entertaining, and more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Belated List of National Book Award Winners
This is the story of William "Skip" Sands, CIA-- engaged in Psychological Operations against the Vietcong-- and the disasters that befall him.
Based on the author's own experiences, this Young Adult novel chronicles the contemporary adolescence of one Native American boy attempting to break away from the life he was destined to live.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Try out our new Early Literacy Station!
Part-time Job Opening in Youth Services
Perrot Library is looking for a program aide to conduct literature-based storytimes for young children in a library setting. Love of children's literature is essential. Some work experience with groups of young children is desirable. 10 to 15 hours per week, with some flexibility. Hours subject to change with the library programing seasons. Storytimes are offered September through November, January through May, and during the month of July. $19-$24/hr DOE. Complete an official Town of Greenwich employment application (available online here), and submit it to: Town of Greenwich, Human Resources Department, 101 Field Point Road, Greenwich, CT 06830, by 12/1/07.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Love's Labour's Lost Shakespeare Colloquy
1,000th Download Prize
The patron who checks out the 1,000th downloadable audiobook or eBook from the Greenwich Library System's digital library will win a Creative MuVo MP3 player.
Go to it!:
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
DVD Diva: Thanksgiving DVDs
Here are a few Thanksgiving-themed suggestions:

Family outcast April lives in a beat-up apartment in New York's Lower East Side with her boyfriend, Bobby. In order to spend some time with her dying mother, April invites her conservative suburban family to her place for a Thanksgiving feast.
Here are some sites that can help you prepare for the holiday:
* Decorating ideas
* Great recipes
* Fun games
Thanksgiving Closing Reminder
Annual Lion's Club Grapefruit Sale
Grapefruits and oranges are available for purchase at Perrot (ask at the Adult Circulation Desk). The fruit is $16 per carton, or $8 for a half carton.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Everybody Cooks . . .
THERE’S A CHEF IN MY WORLD, by Emeril Lagasse (J 641.59 LAGAS)
HONEST PRETZELS, by Molly Katzen (J 641.5 KATZE)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Winner of our Youth Services Blog Giveaway!
Friday, November 02, 2007
A Fourth Book in the Inheritance 'Trilogy'
New Great Reads List
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Flute Sweets and Tickletoons
will present two storytelling and music performances at Perrot on
"Little Kids, Little Songs," a program for children ages 2-5, will take place at 1:30 P.M.:
Rolling in mud, climbing trees, flying like an airplane and getting rid of monsters – is what “Little Kids Little Songs” is all about. Each original song was created to engage the imagination of the very young. Soft, sweet, playful and funny- the original music and storytelling of Keith Torgan and the virtuosity of flutist Barbara Siesel will tickle the newest and youngest of audience members.
"Green Golly and the Treasure of Light," a program for school-aged children, will take place at 3:00 P.M.:
In this enchanting sequel to “Green Golly & Her Golden Flute,” Green Golly escapes the tower, goes “on tour” and discovers the “treasure of light”- a chest filled with dusty old scrolls of sheet music that when played (with heart) transport the player to holiday celebrations near and far. Delight in the ways people from all over the globe celebrate their holidays– and sing along! {It is not necessary to see part one to appreciate part two.}
These events were generously sponsored by the Perrot Memorial Library Association.
Sign up for tickets to both events at the Youth Services Desk!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
So here we have some of the latest cookbooks for you:

You’ll find slow cooked meals, après-ski snacks, beverages and more.
Talk with Your Mouth Full: The Hearty Boys Cookbook, by Dan Smith and Steve McDonagh, 641.5 SMITH
The authors are two former actors who waited tables in between acting jobs. The Hearty Boys was the name of their catering company once they got into the food business. This book provides recipes, of course, and also some great menu ideas, with insights into the lives of the two authors.

From the man who gave us a new appreciation of all things Southwestern– his first Mesa Grill opened in 1991. The menu has evolved over the years, but stays true to its Southwestern roots.
Cristina’s Tuscan Table, by Cristina Ceccatelli Cook, 641.59455 COOK
With many menus from her restaurant in Sun Valley, Cristina gives us true Tuscan delights. She describes the food and wine that accompanies it. She puts so much of her own personality into her restaurant.
--The Reference Staff
Our Picks!: Books About Food

- Cool Lunches to Make and Take: Easy Recipes for Kids to Cook, by Lisa Wagner, J 641.53 WAGNE
- Cool Meals to Start Your Wheels: Easy Recipes for Kids to Cook, by Lisa Wagner, J 641.53 WAGNE
- Cool Sweets and Treats to Eat: Easy Recipes for Kids to Cook, by Lisa Wagner, J 641.53 WAGNE
- Lunch Munch, by Bobbie Kalman, J 641.5 KALMA
- The Spatulatta Cookbook, by Isabella and Olivia Gerasole, J 641.5 GERAS
The Books Are Weeping
"My first visit to a school library forever changed the way I think about books. After giving us a tour and describing the Dewey decimal system in terms kindergarteners could understand, the librarian told us that while some books were always in demand, others had never been checked out at all. She said that if you listened closely, you could actually hear these overlooked books crying."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Scariest Characters in Literature
The results:
1. Big Brother from 1984 by George Orwell
2. Hannibal Lecter from the novels by Thomas Harris
3. Pennywise the Clown from It by Stephen King
4. Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
5. Count Dracula from Bram Stoker's Dracula
6. Annie Wilkes from Misery by Stephen King
7. The demon from The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
8. Patrick Bateman from American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
9. Bill Sykes from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
10. Voldemort from the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling
What's in a Name?
One of the most entertaining of book quests is a look for books featuring characters with kids’ very own names (which might be a little tough for Zarabella, but we could try for Arabella, or Zara, or Bella, or even Ella!).
As an example, let’s look at a few picture books with a ‘Sophie’ connection:
And there are at least 39 other books in Perrot’s YS collection that have a Sophie as the author or as a featured player!
So what’s in a name?
Maybe a book!
Come pay us a call –
we’ll help you look!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
- CLICK TO HEAR. . . THE SORCERESS OF SILVERMINE. She tells the tale of a man who lived near a graveyard. Every day he cut through the graveyard to get to work, but then he began hearing a voice calling, "TURN ME OOOOOVER. . ."
- CLICK TO HEAR. . . THE HAG. She tells us of one very mean teacher, whose fate rests in the hands of her students. . .
- CLICK TO HEAR. . . THE CRONE OF COS COB. Lady Mary is engaged to be married, but doesn't know much about her suitor. That is, until she visits his castle and finds a room full of bloody corpses. . .
[All sound clips are in MP3 format.]
Book Recommendation: My Dearest Friend

Ms. Hogan is Managing Editor and Mr. Taylor is Editor in Chief of the Adams Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society. Exciting for us also at Perrot is the fact that Margaret Hogan was a former library page in the 1980’s. Nice to think we started her on her literary career! This book has been very well received in the review media. John and Abigail Adams really had a partnership. She was his chief advisor and confidante on political matters and policies. This is an intimate look at their relationship during the years of the creation of the United States.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
October is Family History Month
This is the best time to get together family photographs and start a scrapbook of extended family members to help tell their stories to the next generation. You may also want to chart your family tree, if you haven’t already. A form to do this is available online at Ancestry Library.
The Library also has numerous genealogy books that you can borrow. If you are new or fairly new to family history research, there are two books that can be of help:
- Family History 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Finding Your Ancestors is a great book resource to start with. Written by Marcia Melnyk, this book helps you along with the beginning steps of family research using both online and other resources
- The second “beginner’s” book is Genealogy for the First Time: Research your Family History, by Laura Best. Hers is a more illustrated book, with her own family pictures and antiques in the background. She shows Heritage scrapbooking, which is a relatively new concept, as a means to preserve and protect personal and family histories. This can be a fun and meaningful activity for the family.
Continue your search with our two genealogy databases:
- Ancestry Library: This database allows for a search by name to get birth, marriage and death records. If you can supply at least a birth date, you can narrow the results to get a more likely return. There is also census information and immigration information, such as the names of passenger ships, and a section for school yearbook photographs. This database is only available inside the Library.
- HeritageQuest: By checking all U.S. Census data, you can search from 1790 to 1930 for family histories. It also includes primary sources in full image. One can search in the section for periodicals or books to get information about family members. HeritageQuest is available both inside the Library and remotely.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Anne Enright Wins Booker Prize

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Scariest Books of All Time
The scariest books were...
- Dracula, by Bram Stoker
- The Shining, by Stephen King
- The Exorcist, by William Peter Blatty
- The short stories of Edgar Allan Poe
- The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson
Which book gets your vote for the most terrifying ever? Comment on this post!
DVD Diva: Ready for Halloween?
With Halloween approaching, why not start thinking about inviting some friends over for a horror movie night. Create a scary costume for yourself and even a costume for your pet. You can find some great recipes and ideas for a Halloween party at:
Then sit down and watch some good-old-fashioned horror movies that are available at Perrot:
- 28 Days Later
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- Psycho
- Alien
- The Shining (or try the original Stephen King)
- Dawn of the Dead
And for some Halloween comic relief:
- Young Frankenstein (or is that “-steen”...)
- Fright Night
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- Shaun of the Dead
- Hocus Pocus
A list of the top 50 horror movies can be found at the Internet Movie Database.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
New Perrot Library Tote Bags

Bags are available for sale at both the Adult and Youth Services circulation desks, and are only $5 each.
Literary News x2
The National Book Award is given annually to an American-born author in each of the following categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Young People’s Literature. The winners will be selected in November. The Fiction finalists are:
- Fieldwork, by Mischa Berlinski
- Varieties of Disturbance, by Lydia Davis
- Then We Came to the End, by Joshua Ferris
- Tree of Smoke, by Denis Johnson
- Like You’d Understand, Anyway, by Jim Shepard
View the rest of the finalists at the National Book Award website.
Also, the Nobel Prize Winner in Literature was announced-- British author Doris Lessing. At age 88, Lessing is the oldest person to win the Literature award. She is most famous for her 1962 novel, The Golden Notebook.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Cover of the Fourth Percy Jackson Book Revealed

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Jumping Jack-o-Lanterns!

For more fascinating facts about cultivating, collecting, and carving these traditional October-time orbs, visit our YS Halloween book collection. We also have titles on costume-making, trick-or-treat baking, and skeleton-shaking!
- Dracula and Frankenstein Are Friends, by Katherine Tegen (E TEGEN)
- Aliens Don’t Carve Jack-O-Lanterns, by Debbie Dadey (J-3 DADEY)
- 101 Costumes for All Ages, All Occasions, by Richard Cummings (J 792.02 CUMMI)
Monday, October 01, 2007
Banned Books Week: Youth Services
Take our quick quiz, below; then visit to learn all about it!
Banned Books Quiz:
1. What is the most challenged children’s book title of 2006?
2. Which popular early chapter book character is being accused of talking trash?
3. Fund-raiser fraught with issues: which ‘classic’ high school novel is consistently challenged?
4. Which wizard’s seven stories top the list as the MOST CHALLENGED books of the 21st century?
5. What’s normal? Can you name this highly-challenged children’s book on human development?
1. And Tango Makes 3, by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson
2. Junie B Jones series, by Barbara Parks
3. The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier
4. Harry Potter series, by J. K. Rowling
5. It’s Perfectly Normal, by Robie Harris
Banned Books Week: September 29th-October 6th, 2007
The Catcher in the Rye. . . Of Mice and Men. . . The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. . .
. . .They were all banned books at one time. They have recently been joined by Beloved and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, and the Gossip Girls series by Cecily Von Ziegesar– all of them are among the 10 most challenged books of 2006.
According to the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, more than a book a day faces removal from free and open public access in U.S. schools and libraries. During Banned Books Week, thousands of libraries and bookstores throughout the nation will celebrate a democratic society’s most basic freedom– the freedom to read.
Join us to show you agree with this freedo – come check out a banned book! For this week only, we will display books in the Rand Room that have been challenged at one time or another. --Linda
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Shortlist for the Business Book of the Year
- Zoom: The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future, by Iain Carson and Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran (Twelve)
- The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Freres & Co., by William D. Cohan (Doubleday)
- The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, by Alan Greenspan (Penguin Press)
- Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them, by Philippe Legrain (Princeton University Press)
- The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Random House)
- Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams (Portfolio)
The winning author will receive £30,000 (US$60,000), and the other five shortlisted authors will each receive £5,000 ($10,000). The winner will be announced in London on October 25th, 2007.
DVD Diva: Westerns
Read more about Western films at:

More at Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

More at IMDb

More at IMDb

More at IMDb
The Future of UGLIES

Our Picks!: Sing-Along Stories

Do you have some favorite picture books that make YOU want to sing along? Comment on this post and tell us what they are!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Book Review: The World Without Us

Open call for reviews!
Here are the details:
- Please keep submissions to approximately one paragraph in length
- We cannot publish all submissions
- We may edit your submission for content and grammar
- E-mail your reviews (or questions) to
We look forward to hearing from you!
Travel Books

- Solo Traveler, by Lea Lane
Whether you travel for business or pleasure, this book gives you some great hints. - Rules Britannia: An Insider’s Guide to Life in the United Kingdom, by Toni Summers Hargis
Whether you're planning a short visit or planning to relocate to Great Britain, it helps to learn their language! - Honeymoon With My Brother: A Memoir, by Franz Wisner
When a groom is jilted days before the wedding, with a prepaid honeymoon ready, he takes off with his brother instead of a bride! A funny look at how these two brothers learn to get along, by way of an unusual start. - New England Hiking: The Complete Guide to More than 380 Hikes, by Michael Lanza
This book is part of a series from Foghorn Outdoors, who produces a very complete list of trails, rates their difficulty, gives hints as to best hikes, and more.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Frog and Toad! Henry and Mudge! Elephant and Piggie! Ummmmmm, WHO?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Numbers...
It makes us tired just thinking about it!
COIN-TROVERSY: Sacagawea Gets a Makeover
A few selections:
- Money, Money, Money: The Meaning of the Art and Symbols on United States Paper Currency: J 332.4 PARKE
- Eyewitness Books: Money: J 332.4 CRIBB
- Cool Coins: J 332.63 SCHEU
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
"Skinny Books" and Great Reads
[Fiction] This book is about a girl on a Pacific island who learns how a book transports you on many levels, physically and spiritually, to help you through life’s hardships. In spite of war and unspeakable violence, this coming-of-age and survival tale is now on the Shortlist for the Man Booker Prize.
[Mystery] This book is the 18th in Craig's series about J.W. Jackson, a former Boston policeman who currently is an unofficial detective on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard. J.W. is hired to watch over the property of Roland “The Monk” Nunes, who has had a rash of vandalism to his property. As with the other titles in this series, the writing is fun, the murders are never very grisly, and there are always some recipes in the back of the book!
[Fiction] This is a very spare little book, about a 50-ish husband given the news that he has a fatal disease and will only live for about 30 days more. He and his wife are shocked, of course, but decide to take a journey traveling the world from A to Z, to see places they always wanted to go to “some time in the future.” They reflect on their past and present as they face the inevitable together.
See the rest of our Great Reads list for September here. --Linda
Friday, September 07, 2007
Another Kids' Graphic Novel Recommendation: Robot Dreams

Kids' Graphic Novel Recommendation: Fashion Kitty

Perrot has the first two books in the Fashion Kitty Series: Fashion Kitty, and Fashion Kitty and the Fashion Queen. Watch for the third book in the series (although we're not sure when it's coming out just yet), which is called Fashion Kitty and the Unlikely Hero. --Vicky
DVD Diva: Director Stephen Poliakoff or

When Daniel attends a family reunion with his parents, he discovers a world he hardly knew existed. Daniel adopts the role of go-between for his glamorous Aunt Alice and his cousins Rebecca and Charles.
More at IMDb (Internet Movie Database)

Paul is the owner of an impressive house, and throws impressive parties-- as well as being impulsive, generous and imaginative. His secretary can't cope with his maverick ways and leaves under a cloud of disappointment. Yet they are fated to meet up again.
More at IMDb

Gideon Warner is a hugely successful public relations consultant, giving advice about hair, clothes, and social activities to the wealthy. Despite his success he has become disheartened about his business circles and more concerned over his family.
More at IMDb

Miranda Richardson and Tom Hollander star as Queen Mary and King George V. After discovering that their son Prince John suffers from epilepsy and learning disabilities, the royals have the boy sent off to be raised in a rural farmhouse, lest he tarnish the family's image of superiority. Removed from the public eye and the attention of his parents, Prince John forms a loving bond with his nurse, Lalla.
More at IMDb
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Man Booker Prize Finalists
- Darkmans, by Nicola Barker *
- The Gathering, by Anne Enright *
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid
- Mister Pip, by Lloyd Jones
- On Chesil Beach, by Ian McEwan
- Animal’s People, by Indra Sinha *
* Coming soon to Perrot
The Booker Prize winner will be announced on October 16th, 2007.
Two Evenings, Three Books
Don't Miss the Bus!

- Junie B Jones and The Stupid Smelly Bus (J-3 PARK) Uh-oh! Junie decides NOT to ride the school bus home!
- Molly Rides the School Bus (E BRILL) Molly is nervous about taking the bus until a friendly older kid reassures her.
- The Wheels on the School Bus (E MOORE) Adapted from the traditional song.