Friday, June 22, 2012

Movies in the Park 2012

Perrot is pleased to present our sixth annual series of Movies in the Park in Binney Park. This year we are featuring Dr. No and Miss Potter. Bring your picnic, your chairs, and enjoy!

Dr. No (Rated PG, 110 minutes)
Saturday, July 21st, 2012, 8:30 PM
[Rain date: Sunday, July 22nd]
Sean Connery sets the standard by which all future takers must measure themselves as the insouciant and devil-may-care James Bond. The story concerns Bond being sent to Jamaica to investigate the murders of a British agent and his secretary. During his investigation, he comes into contact with the evil and unscrupulous Chinese scientist Dr. No (Joseph Wiseman) who, living on an island called Crab Key, is hard at work in a nuclear laboratory. Dr. No's scheme is to divert rockets being fired from Cape Canaveral off their charted course and to blackmail the United States to get their rocket launches restored to normal. Helping Bond is Ursula Andress (mostly undressed in a bikini throughout most of the film), as well as bad gals like Zena Marshall, who almost leads Bond to his death in her bedroom, and Eunice Gayson, a Bond pickup in a London gambling house who proves herself a greater adversary than even James Bond can handle. [Summary from RottenTomatoes]


Miss Potter (Rated PG, 92 minutes)
Saturday, August 18th, 2012, 8:30 PM
[Rain date: Sunday, August 19th]
The true story of the woman who created some of the most beloved characters in children's literature comes to the screen in this drama leavened with elements of comedy and romance. Beatrix Potter (Renée Zellweger) is a imaginative but gently eccentric woman living in the socially and intellectually confining circumstances of Victorian England. Potter's wealthy parents are eager for her to marry a successful man and settle down, but she has ideas of her own, and has been writing and illustrating a series of stories for children centered around a character she calls Peter Rabbit. Potter's efforts to find a publisher for her stories prove difficult, but in time she finds a firm who agrees to give her book a chance, and Norman Warne (Ewan McGregor) is put in charge of the project. A strong personal bond grows between Potter and Warne, and in time he asks her to marry him; however, Beatrix's parents do not approve of Norman, and she is forced to choose between her mother and father and the man she loves. [Summary from RottenTomatoes]

Perrot's Summer Reading Club and Contest for Kids

Summer is here! And that means it's time to sign up for Perrot's summer reading club! You can participate (and win prizes for reading!) from June 22nd through July 27th.

To sign up for our summer reading club, simply go to our volunteer table by the computers in Youth Services. Our friendly teen volunteers will sign you up, tell you the rules and start a reading record for you. You'll also get to put your name up on the bulletin board! We'll keep your reading record here in the library. When you've read a book, just tell a volunteer next time you're in the library and they'll write it in your reading record. After you read your first, third, and fifth books, you will win a prize! Also, this year, for each book you read, Perrot will make a donation to Heifer International.

Parents, you can also take home a reading record for your littlest ones. We have special sheets for books read aloud with your child. Children get a sticker for each book they've read with a grown-up.

We're also having a contest this summer! Our summer reading theme is WILD ABOUT READING. Each week in July, you will have to find a small stuffed giraffe that will be HIDING somewhere in the children's room. When you know where the giraffe is, come to the desk to fill out a guess slip. (Try not to yell it out so you don't give it away!) We will have a random drawing from all our correct guess slips each week in July. We have 4 great prize bags to give away, which will contain books as well as jungle-themed prizes!

Be sure to join us at Perrot this summer and show us you're WILD ABOUT READING!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Sunday Hours- Reminder

Don't forget- Perrot is closed on Sundays during the summer. We will be closed beginning this Sunday, June 24th, 2012. We will resume our Sunday hours (1 PM to 5 PM) on Sunday, September 9th, 2012.

Children's Summer Registration Cards/Program Openings

Registration cards for summer children's programs have been mailed back. Expect to receive your card in the next day or two. Just a reminder that programs for pre-school age children will be drop-in during the summer.

We do still have room in our Stuff & Nonsense and Spotlight programs! Stuff & Nonsense is for kids entering Grade 1, and will meet Mondays at 4 PM on July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th, and July 24th. Spotlight (on Going Wild) is for kids entering Grades 2, 3, and 4, and will meet Wednesdays at 4 PM on July 11th, July 18th, and July 25th. Please call us (203-637-8802) if you would like to sign up your child for either of these programs!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Byram Library Book Sale This Weekend

Friends of the Byram Library Book Sale This Weekend-- June 8th/9th/10th
Friday, June 8th, 2012 5:30 PM-8:30 PM (SPECIAL PREVIEW SALE: $15 ADMISSION CHARGE)
Saturday, June 9th, 2012, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (SALE OPEN TO ALL)
Sunday, June 10th, 2012 12:00 PM-4:00 PM (BAG AND BOX SALE)
Location: St. Paul's Lutheran Church

The upcoming sale includes a guesstimated 30,000 books, CDs, DVDs, videos, and audiobooks, including loads of brand new items, as well as many antiques. You will find a wide selection of goodies, including fiction, thirty-something categories of nonfiction, and TONS of incredible children's books.

If you're a true bibliophile, come to a special preview sale on Friday, June 8th from 5:30-8:30 PM. For $15 admission, you get the best selection-- it's well worth the entrance fee! On Saturday, June 9th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM the sale is open to all. On Sunday, June 10 from 12:00 to 4:00 PM will be the bargain hunter's delight "bag and box" sale ($3/bag or $5/box).

All proceeds from the sale benefit the branch library's programs and events. For specific questions, please contact the Byram Shubert Library at (203) 531-0426.