Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Borrow our museum passes for free or discounted admission!

Youth Services has a growing collection of museum passes for you to borrow-- our passes get you either free or discounted admission to many popular places! This year, we have the following passes available:

  • AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY, FREE general and special admission for two adults and up to four children. Discounts on Space Show, IMAX, and seasonal live animal exhibits for two adults and up to four children. The Natural History Museum is renowned for its exhibitions and scientific collections, which serve as a field guide to the entire planet and present a panorama of the world's cultures.
  • BEARDSLEY ZOO, 1875 Noble Avenue, Bridgeport, CT, FREE admission for two adults and up to four children. See more than 300 animals representing primarily North and South American species. Featuring a South American rainforest with free-flight aviary; a prairie dog exhibit with "pop-up" viewing areas; a New England Farmyard with goats, cows, pigs, and sheep; and a trail featuring bison, pronghorn, deer, and more.
  • CONNECTICUT STATE PARKS AND FORESTS PASS, FREE family admission and parking at ALL Connecticut State Parks and Forests. More than 800 miles of hiking trails, 2,000 miles of rivers and streams, 1,300 campsites in 14 parks, 9 historic sites, and 237 lakes and ponds-- all without leaving Connecticut!
  • EARTHPLACE: THE NATURE DISCOVERY CENTER, 10 Woodside Lane, Westport, CT, FREE admission for a family of four. Offers a 62-acre wildlife sanctuary with trails, an interactive natural history museum with wildlife dioramas, and live wildlife.
  • MARITIME AQUARIUM, 10 North Water Street, Norwalk, CT, DISCOUNTED admission: Our pass entitles you to $2 off a combination Aquarium/IMAX ticket for up to 6 people. Watch sharks, jellies, sea turtles, and more than 1,000 other marine animals-- and enjoy a film in the IMAX movie theater.
  • MYSTIC AQUARIUM, 55 Coogan Boulevard, Mystic, CT, DISCOUNTED admission: $4 off adult and $3 off child admission, good for up to 2 adults and 2 children. Reach in and touch a ray, go beak-to-nose with a penguin and feel the splash of a beluga whale. Watch the California sea lions during a live show, and meet a variety of animals, from African penguins and Steller sea lions to sharks and blue-tongued skinks.
  • NEUBERGER MUSEUM OF ART, Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY, FREE family admission. The museum’s collection comprises more than 7,000 works and embraces 20th-century American and European art, traditional and contemporary African art.
  • STAMFORD MUSEUM AND NATURE CENTER, 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, CT, FREE admission for 2 adults and 2 children. The SMNC includes a 10-acre working farm, a maple sugar house, vegetable garden, and farm animals; a museum featuring both a permanent collection and rotating exhibits; an otter pond; and a playground built with nature themes.
  • STEPPING STONES MUSEUM, 303 West Avenue, Norwalk, CT, BUY ONE TICKET, GET ONE FREE: one free admission with each regular paid admission (maximum of three free admissions per day). Exhibits and educational programs help expand a child's world by engaging them in fun, playful exploration. With four main galleries, a toddlers-only gallery and over 100 hands-on activities, Stepping Stones offers children ages ten and under plenty to explore and discover.
  • WADSWORTH ATHENEUM MUSEUM OF ART, 600 Main Street, Hartford, CT, FREE admission for 2 adults and 2 children. The Wadsworth Atheneum's permanent collection features a wealth of treasures sure to keep you coming back. The Wadsworth is also America's oldest public art museum!

Please ask for our passes at the Youth Services Desk. We also have information and brochures on these locations available for you to browse. Passes may borrowed for one week. Late fees are $1/day.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Donald Davis at EMS, Friday 5/21


Perrot Memorial Library will present an evening of storytelling in memory of our beloved Children's Librarians, Kate McClelland ("Mrs. Mac") and Kathy Krasniewicz ("Mrs. K"). Those who knew Kate and Kathy, know how much storytelling was a part of their lives and how they used it to enchant and educate the youth of our community.

We are delighted that Donald Davis, a nationally-known storyteller and a friend of Mrs. Mac and Mrs. K, will be returning to entertain us with more of his fabulous tales in a special family storytelling event. Please join us at the Eastern Middle School auditorium at 7:00 PM on Friday, May 21st, 2010. No tickets are required, but seating is limited.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Forget-- PJs tonight (Tues.) and Thursday!

The last PJs at Perrot for the winter/spring session are happening this week! Join us tonight and Thursday, 5/18, at 6:30 PM for some stories! Feel free to wear your PJs! For kids ages 3-6 and their families.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Greenwich Household Hazardous Waste Collection

The Town of Greenwich's Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held this Saturday, May 15th, 2010, from 8 A.M. until 1 P.M. in the parking lot of Greenwich High School.

This is an opportunity for all town residents to properly and safely dispose of many toxic products that can’t go into the general waste system (some examples: gasoline, oil-based paints and stains, thinners, spray paints, pesticides/herbicides/fungicides, chemical fertilizers, household cleaners and polishes, mercury thermometers, pool chemicals, fluorescent bulbs).

Please take advantage of this opportunity! Toxic chemicals that are not disposed of properly can leak from hazardous products and eventually find their way into our water sources and soil.

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Book Recommendations From the Reference Desk

What We're Reading at Perrot


[Non-Fiction] What a timely book! We have just followed, in horror, the story of the adoptive mother who put a Russian child on a plane to send him back because she couldn’t cope with him. This is the story of another Russian baby boy born with cerebral palsy. Abandoned by his mother, he was put into a nightmare of an orphanage called Baby House 10. Two women reached out to him and ultimately he was adopted by a single woman in the U.S. This story will warm your heart and counteract the terrible story of the other little boy from Russia.

Friday, May 07, 2010

New This Year!: Beardsley Zoo Pass

Perrot now has a pass for the Beardsley Zoo for our patrons to borrow. Our pass gives FREE admission to 2 adults and up to 4 children! The pass can be borrowed for one week (no renewals, late fee is $1/day) from the Youth Services Desk.

More about the zoo:
Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is a wonderful place to visit-- alone or with your family. Spend an hour or the whole day, and see more than 300 animals representing primarily North and South American species. Come learn about our many endangered and threatened species, which include the Amur (Siberian) tiger, Andean condor, Ocelot, Red wolf, Andean (spectacled) bear, Maned wolf, and Golden lion tamarin. Come see our South American rainforest with free-flight aviary, then walk through the prairie dog exhibit with "pop-up" viewing areas. Visit the New England Farmyard with goats, cows, pigs, sheep and other barnyard critters. Take a walk along the hoofstock trail featuring bison, pronghorn, deer and more. Before you leave grab a bite at the Peacock Café, eat in the Picnic Grove and take a ride on our colorful carousel. We can't wait to see you!


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Votes Are In!

The Young Critics' Club (YCC), Perrot's book club for 6th-, 7th- and 8th-graders, has declared that its favorite book of 2009/2010 is....

IT'S A TIE! Between:

INCARCERON, by Catherine Fisher
Incarceron is a prison so vast that it contains not only cells, but also metal forests, dilapidated cities, and vast wilderness. Finn, a seventeen-year-old prisoner, has no memory of his childhood and is sure that he came from Outside Incarceron. Very few prisoners believe that there is an Outside, however, which makes escape seems impossible. And then Finn finds a crystal key that allows him to communicate with a girl named Claudia. She claims to live Outside-- she is the daughter of the Warden of Incarceron, and doomed to an arranged marriage. Finn is determined to escape the prison, and Claudia believes she can help him. But they don't realize that there is more to Incarceron than meets the eye. Escape will take their greatest courage and cost more than they know.


THE MAZE RUNNER, by James Dashner
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he's not alone. When the lift's doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade-- a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls. Just like Thomas, the Gladers don't know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they've closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift. Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up-- the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers. Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind...

See the rest of YCC's favorites from 2009/2010!

Family Storytelling Concert with Donald Davis

Storyteller Donald DavisPerrot Memorial Library will present an evening of storytelling in memory of our beloved Children's Librarians, Kate McClelland ("Mrs. Mac") and Kathy Krasniewicz ("Mrs. K"). Those who knew Kate and Kathy, know how much storytelling was a part of their lives and how they used it to enchant and educate the youth of our community.

We are delighted that Donald Davis, a nationally-known storyteller and a friend of Mrs. Mac and Mrs. K, will be returning to entertain us with more of his fabulous tales in a special family storytelling event. Please join us at the Eastern Middle School auditorium at 7:00 PM on Friday, May 21st, 2010. No tickets are required, but seating is limited.

Donald Davis was born in a Southern Appalachian mountain world rich in stories. "I didn't learn stories, I just absorbed them," he says as he recounts tales learned from a family of traditional storytellers who have lived on the same Western North Carolina land since 1781. Davis grew up hearing gentle fairytales, simple and silly Jack tales, scary mountain lore, ancient Welsh and Scottish folktales and, most importantly, nourishing true-to-life stories of his own neighbors and kin.It was Uncle Frank, a man who "talked in stories," who helped Donald capture the real and daily adventures of life... and it was Uncle Frank who gave him the creative courage to tell about them. Davis remembers, "I discovered that in a story I could safely dream any dream, hope any hope, go anywhere I pleased, fight any foe, win or lose, live or die. My stories created a safe experimental learning place.”

For more information about Donald Davis, please visit his website: