Our initial selection includes:
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Planet of the Apes
- Superman: The Movie
- Swing Vote
- The Ten Commandments
- The X-Files: I Want to Believe
- Young Frankenstein
Watch for more-- coming soon!
Watch for more-- coming soon!
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The library has three copies of Darwin’s own famous publication, The Origin of Species. Other titles on Darwin include:
Also of note, a recent book called Angels and Ages, a short book about Lincoln, Darwin and Modern Life by Adam Gopnik, which is a bicentennial twin portrait of two men who changed the way we think “about death and time.”
Edgar Allan Poe, though best known as a writer of macabre short stories, was also a poet, editor and literary critic. Here are some books at Perrot for you to try:
Some of these books are on display in the library, so be sure to ask at the Reference Desk if you do not find them on the shelves.
Please visit our website at PerrotLibrary.org