Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New: Italian Language Children's Books at Perrot!

Italian FlagPerrot has recently established a section dedicated to Italian language books for children! As a result of a book drive conducted by local parents and members of the Italian Conversation Club, we now have over seventy books for toddlers, children and young adults. Of these, the Rizzoli Store in New York City donated close to thirty fantastic books.

The books were donated to the library on the occasion of the Festa della Repubblica, the Italian National Day, on June 2nd, and we have begun shelving the books this week. From board and picture books, to fairy tale anthologies, and modern day classics, we hope that the collection will offer something of interest to children of all ages.

Titles include:

  • Il Giornalino di Gian Burasca

  • Il Grande Libro delle Fiabe d’Oro

  • Cenerentola

  • Pinocchio

  • La Fattoria

  • Il Piccolo Principe

  • Le Meraviglie d’Egitto

  • Barbie – Guida Completa Fashion

  • Dragologie

And many more…

The Club hopes to continue to add to this collection in the coming years and an Italian Story Time, led by Italian-speaking parents, is in the works.

Please come in and check out these new additions to the Perrot’s collection!

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