Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Book Recommendation/Local News From a Perrot Patron

A Perrot patron sent in some information on a recent book written by his daughter, Elizabeth Pisani, and her upcoming discussion on it in town:

The Wisdom of Whores, by Elizabeth PisaniOn July 2nd, Just Books is presenting Elizabeth Pisani as she discusses her new book, The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS, which was recently launched in Europe to wide acclaim, and just published in the U.S. this month.

The Times calls the book "a gripping and surprisingly entertaining account of the waste, fraud, and jaw-dropping arrogance of the AIDS industry." The Observer notes that, "[Pisani's] views may be controversial, but to the lay reader this is a fascinating and revelatory account of a world in which AIDS has become a fashionable cause to which the West now pledges billions of dollars-- money that has introduced corruption and greed into an already complex equation." The Economist appreciates Pisani's "desire to challenge taboos," and The Financial Times calls The Wisdom of Whores "a highly readable book."

Dr. Pisani has a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology and has worked for the World Bank, UNAIDS, the WHO, and consulted with, among others, the governments of China, the U.S., the U.K., and Indonesia. She has lived in Riverside; her parents currently live in Old Greenwich.

Dr. Pisani will be reading from her book, answering questions, and signing copies at Arcadia Coffee House on Arcadia Road in Old Greenwich, on Wedesnday, July 2nd, 2008, and 7 P.M.

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