Monday, November 30, 2020

Support Your Library on Giving Tuesday

In these unprecedented times, Perrot Memorial Library is here for you more than ever!

For more than 115 years, Perrot has provided our community with incredible information, entertainment, and educational programs. What most people do not know about Perrot is that it is a private institution, owned and operated by the Perrot Memorial Library association. 

When the reality of COVID-19 hit, and we needed to temporarily close our doors, Perrot's amazing staff worked hard to transition seamlessly to the Zoom-connected world. From our homes, our community has come together and enjoyed virtual events: 

  • Live and recorded author talks
  • Informative lectures with local experts
  • Book discussions with the Greenwich Pen Women
  • Concerts
  • Children's storytimes
  • Young Young Critics and Young Critics Book Clubs

You can now get personalized children's book bundles of both picture books and chapter books for independent readers.

Our wonderful volunteers have been hand-delivering items to patrons who cannot get out to utilize our convenient and popular curbside pick up and drop off service. 

And Perrot's free WiFi is still available to all in our parking lot and grounds. 

Please become a member of the Perrot Memorial Library Association by making a tax-deductible contribution today. All of Perrot's fabulous programs are free, and made possible by your support. 

It is your generosity that our programs depend on and which makes Perrot Memorial Library so special.

(A PayPal account is not required to make a donation)

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