Friday, August 02, 2019

Summer Reading Wrap-up

Thanks to everyone who participated in Youth Services' 2019 summer reading program!

It was a fantastic year for summer reading-- 388 kids signed up and read 1,290 books in total!

This year, Perrot will make a donation based on each book read by our summer readers to the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport, CT. Our donation is enough to pay for transportation for 30 students to visit the Museum!

If you were one of our very special participants, you can still keep track of the books you read, even though our "official" program has ended! You can either take your reading record home with you, or leave it here in the library. We will also continue to give out prizes for books read (while supplies last, so HURRY!).

We'd also like to give a special mention to our teen volunteers, who helped record books for our reading program participants. This year we had 66 volunteers, who together worked over 615 hours staffing our summer reading table. Thanks, guys!

And remember, we still have another month of summer left, so please KEEP READING!

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