Friday, April 12, 2019

Book Discussion on THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST and EXIT WEST by Mohsin Hamid

Perrot Memorial Library and The Greenwich Pen Women present a Book Discussion on THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST and EXIT WEST by Mohsin Hamid

Faciliated by Laurie Heiss of Greenwich Pen Women

Monday, May 13th, 2019, at 7:00 PM


This book discussion is themed around East/West encounters, via two intelligent and provocative novels by an award-winning Pakistani author. Each novel is uniquely constructed, and both are relatively quick reads. 

In THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST, we follow the story of Changez, a Pakistani immigrant to the United States whose experiences of discrimination and ignorance cause his alienation. Changez wrestles with infatuation and disenchantment with America. 

In EXIT WEST, the main themes are emigration and the refugee crisis, but instead of borders, there are doors. Hamid connects his readers to the lead characters, Saeed and Nadia, representatives of today's 65 million stateless, unwanted people. 

Seating is limited! Please call to reserve your spot at the discussion: 203-637-1066. 
Copies of the books are available for checkout at the Adult Circulation Desk

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