Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Movies in the Park: La La Land

Perrot is pleased to present our eleventh annual series of Movies in the Park in Binney Park
Bring your picnic, your chairs, and enjoy the show!

LA LA LAND (2016, Rated PG-13, 128 minutes)
Saturday, July 15th, 2017 at 8:30 PM
[No Rain Date]

Winner of 6 Academy Awards® including Best Director for writer/director Damien Chazelle, and winner of a record-breaking 7 Golden Globe® Awards, LA LA LAND is the story of Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress, serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions and Sebastian (Ryan Gosling, a jazz musician, scrapes by playing cocktail party gigs in dingy bars, but as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart. (Plot summary from

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