Thursday, May 10, 2012

Y2C2's Favorite Book of 2011/2012 Is...

The Young Young Critics' Club (Y2C2), Perrot's book club for 4th- and 5th-graders, has declared that its favorite book of 2011/2012 is...

PIE, by Sarah Weeks
When Alice's Aunt Polly passes away, she takes with her the secret to her world-famous pie-crust recipe. Or does she? In her will, Polly leaves the recipe to her extraordinarily surly cat Lardo. . .and then leaves Lardo in the care of Alice. Suddenly Alice is thrust into the center of a piestorm, with everyone in town trying to be the next pie-contest winner, including Alice's mother and some of Alice's friends. The whole community is going pie-crazy, and it's up to Alice to discover the ingredients that really matter.

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