Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Now Is the 'Most Exciting Period to Be a Reader'

Ever feel like print is dying out? No more libraries, books, etc.?! Well, I found this in a newsletter I subscribe to. To the library world this is good news!

Now Is the 'Most Exciting Period to Be a Reader'

Amidst all the doom and gloom (Books are dying! Print is dead! The Kindle will destroy us all! Big Publishers want to kill your pets! ARMAGEDDON IS NIGH!!!), I just want to take a moment to proclaim that this is quite possibly the most exciting period to be a reader in my lifetime. Think about it: when was the last time books and publishing were as much a part of the daily conversation as they are now?... [I]n my thirty years on this planet, I cannot remember a time when so many people were discussing books themselves, the future of books, and what it all means for everyone involved. All in all books have a 'buzz' about them that I can't recall ever feeling. The future of publishing feels like an important discussion well outside the cul-de-sac of the industry itself, and there are more books and book-related discussions than I can remember in a long, long time. --Jason Pinter in the Huffington Post.


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