Monday, June 01, 2009

New Library Event: The State of the Job Market for Today's Graduates

"The State of the Job Market for Today's College Graduates"
Perrot Library
Monday, July 27th, 2009 at 7:00 PM

Christine Bolzan, who recently appeared on NBC’s Today Show (view a clip of her appearance), will speak at Perrot about ways that the 1.5 million new graduates entering the job market each spring can prepare themselves for the real world. She will lead a free lecture on the very timely topic of recruiting for today's college graduates. With the recent economic downturn, how have hiring projections and starting salaries been affected? Which industries continue to hire? What can college students do to secure employment in this economic environment? These questions and many others will be answered. Current students, recent graduates and parents will find this evening interesting and helpful.

Christine Bolzan brings extensive recruiting, interviewing, training and development experience to her chosen specialty. As a Vice President with JP Morgan, Ms. Bolzan managed global recruitment for the Emerging Markets in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Africa. Ms. Bolzan also oversaw Intern and Analyst recruitment, training, development and internship programs for Sales and Trading. In this capacity, Ms. Bolzan coordinated JP Morgan's annual seminar for college Career Center Directors, training staff from the leading universities on how best to prepare students for the job market.

Subsequently, Ms. Bolzan was a Managing Partner of CPI, an executive recruiting firm specializing in private equity, venture capital and investment banking placements. Her client list of leading firms included The Blackstone Group, KKR, Morgan Stanley, and Warburg Pincus, among others. Most relevant to the founding of her company, GCC, however, was her own initial job hunt: application senior year at Wesleyan University to JP Morgan's analyst training program, a job for which she felt wholly unqualified, yet still managed to land.

Visit Christine Bolzan's website at:

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