Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Do your brain a favor: R E A D !

From the June issue of O, the Oprah Magazine:

When you can see Atonement in two hours and ten minutes (enacted by the very appealing James McAvoy, no less), or listening to it on audiotape, why bother working through the 371-page novel? For that matter, why trudge through the newspaper when you can turn on CNN? Why puzzle over a manual when you can YouTube the instructions? Everyone knows the book is always better than the movie, but is there any real advantage to getting your information by reading it? Yes, according to neuroscience: Your mind will most definitely thank you. Just like muscles, the brain benefits from a good workout. And reading is more neurobiologically demanding than processing images or speech."

So give your brain a good workout! Come on in to Perrot and let us help you to find just the right material to take care of that grey matter. . . READ!

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