Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beach Reads (Book #1)

Elizabeth Berg’s The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted (and other small acts of liberation) is the perfect first beach book of the season! The thirteen short stories that comprise this collection are delicious little bites of life, full of wisdom, wit, want, and wildly vivid characters. Whether it’s an amusing bit about a woman who leaves her Weight Watchers meeting and heads directly for Dunkin Donuts, a poignant look at the confusing life choices of a once-upon-a-time-love, or a sentimental musing on the passing of a pet, you’ll connect with the people, the places, and the life-passages on these pages. I laughed out loud, cried real tears, and when I finished, wished for more. Each of these little gems is just about 15 pages long– perfect amuse-bouches for the beach. Brava, Berg!


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