Monday, April 28, 2008

DVD Diva: Cinematic Trips to the Library Stacks

Entertainment Weekly recently ran an article called “18 Sexy Trips to the Library Stacks,” which featured 18 movies with scenes in a library.

Here is a sampling of some of the movies listed [click on each title to view that item in the catalog and to place a hold]:

  • THE BREAKFAST CLUB (1985): Five teens from drastically different cliques spend a day in detention with each other, delving into each others' true personalities.
  • THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (2004): When global warming triggers the onset of a new Ice Age, tornadoes flatten Los Angeles, a tidal wave engulfs New York City and the entire Northern Hemisphere begns to freeze solid, climatologist Jack Hall and a small band of survivors must stay alive in the face of Mother Nature.
  • GHOSTBUSTERS (1984): When ghosts go on a rampage, only three men can save the world. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
  • THE MUMMY (1999): Deep in the Egyptian desert, a handful of people searching for a long-lost treasure unearth a 3,000-year-old legacy of terror.
  • HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (2005): Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a series of increasingly challenging contests.
  • SE7EN (1995): A disturbing psychological thriller about two detectives on the trail of a serial killer who chooses his victims according to the seven deadly sins.
  • INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989): Indiana Jones and his estranged father join forces to find the mystically-empowered Holy Grail.
  • PHILADELPHIA (1993): The powerful story of two lawyers who join together to sue a prestigious Philadelphia law firm when the firm fires one of them because he has AIDS.

To view the complete list of titles (including pictures of all the library action!), go to:,,20190897,00.html

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