Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You've Seen the Movie... Now Read the Book!

We have a new display in the Rand Room: “You’ve seen the movie….now read the book!”
It includes many of the titles of recent and some not-so-recent movies.

A couple of our book-to-movie choices:

Smilla's Sense of Snow *Click here to request this book*Smilla’s Sense of Snow by Peter Hoeg
This book centers on the discovery of a small boy who fell off a roof, and the woman who lived in the same building. Smilla investigates and tries to solve the mystery herself as she comes to believe that the boy was actually murdered. A literary mystery that was an international bestseller.

Evening *Click here to request this book*Evening, by Susan Minot

A mother and her daughters are bound together when she reveals the name of the one person she loved more than any other. This deathbed recollection changes their lives forever.

Be sure to check out our display downstairs for more selections. --The Reference Staff

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