Friday, August 03, 2007

DVD Diva: A Tribute to Director Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman (Image from Wikipedia) Ingmar Bergman, Swedish stage and film director, passed away on Monday, July 31st, 2007. He had just turned 89. Mr. Bergman found despair, as well as comedy and hope, in his explorations of the human condition. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest directors of all time. Learn more at Wikipedia, Internet Movie Database, or read his obituary at the New York Times.

Perrot has the following Bergman movies on DVD:

* Saraband
Johan and Marianne lost touch after their divorce. Years later Marianne looks up Johan and tries to get him out of isolation. Upon her arrival to his home, they spend several intense weeks together. Sequel to Scenes From A Marriage, and Bergman's last film.
More at Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

* Smiles of a Summer Night
Eight characters become four couples while vacationing at a country estate.
More at IMDb

* Cries and Whispers
Tells the story of three sisters, one of whom is dying of cancer, and their housekeeper. All four women are searching for spiritual peace in a world that seems to offer only disorder and despair.
More at IMDb

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