Monday, May 07, 2007

Youth Services Storytime Survey

Attention Youth Services Storytime Participants!
Please fill out this brief survey to help us better serve you.

If you have other suggestions/comments about storytimes at Perrot, please comment on this post!

Which of the following storytime options at Perrot would you be most interested in attending? (Please pick two)
Regular, weekday storytimes (as currently offered)
Weekend storytimes (INSTEAD of weekdays)
Rainy day storytimes (one morning storytime)
Vacation week program (one special event during vacation week)
“Specials” (once monthly craft/game/tournament program)
Free polls from
If you selected "Other" as one of your choices, please comment on this post with your suggestion for a Children's program you would like to see Perrot offer in the future.


  1. My daughter would like to have a craft with the 3, 4, and 5 year old story time like the K-1 and 2-3 grade children do. (Cos Cob Library does one at their drop-in storytime for preschool age children on Wednesday afternoons)

  2. My child is enrolled in afternoon preschool. There are so few options for morning extracurricular activities for this age group. Please continue providing a morning 3s, 4s, 5s program.
