Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Round of Applause!

If you're lucky enough to be in Perrot's Radcliffe Wing (Youth Services) when Christopher Lettich is working, you will know why the Perrot Library staff and patrons think that Chris "walks on water." Confirmation of the high esteem in which everyone holds Chris arrived via the Greenwich Time (3/27/07) in an article announcing that Chris has been awarded the President's Volunteer Service Silver Medal. He seems to be able to fit a lot into his life--volunteering over 175 hours in 2006, maintaining academic achievement that won him entrance to the College of William & Mary and, in general, winning friends wherever he goes! Applause! Applause! --Mrs. Mac

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Chris! We're very proud of you, and so pleased that now, everyone knows what we've known all along - you're terrific!
    Mrs. K :)
