Friday, February 23, 2007

Our First Meebo Reference Question

We received and answered our first Reference question via our Meebo chat service yesterday! It was a local history question, and our Reference Librarian was able to provide the user with the needed information from the Greenwich Time, as well as info on the paper's microfilm (stored at Greenwich Library), in case they wanted to see the actual newspaper.

Our Meebo service has only been available for about a week, and we're so excited that it's already being utilized by our patrons! It's an easy way to get general Reference questions answered, but it's also a great way for anyone in the world to get quick local history information about the Old Greenwich/Riverside area.

And remember, if we're not online, you can always leave us a message (just type your question in the box and click send, and be sure to include a way to contact you), and we will receive and respond to your question the next time we are online!

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