Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Movie Recommendation: Knuffle Bunny

Knuffle Bunny DVD *Click here to request this*Knuffle Bunny
Named a Notable Children’s Video for 2007 and awarded the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children's Video!

Mo Willems and his young daughter, Trixie, give voice to this video version of his 2005 Caldecott-honor-winning picture book. Their take on the innovatively-illustrated tale of a stuffed lovey lost is charming, made even more endearing by the inclusion of a sweet daddy-and-daughter prelude that puts the viewer right in the rocking chair to read along with them. Willems, six-time Emmy Award–winning writer and former animator for Sesame Street, puts all his talents to work here, as Trixie, Daddy, and Knuffle Bunny take a trip to the neighborhood Laundromat (where something goes terribly awry!). An inspired original jazz score by Robert Reynolds and Scotty Huff is perfect accompaniment. Don’t miss this one! View a short clip here, or click on the DVD cover to request it. -Mrs. K.

Check out more of Mrs. K's favorites from the 2007 Notable Videos on our Our Picks! page for February.

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