Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Book Recommendation from the Young Young Critics' Club

The Invention of Hugo Cabret *Click here to request this book*The Invention of Hugo Cabret, by Brian Selznick

The Invention of Hugo Cabret will transport you to Paris in the early 1900s. The story is a mystery about a boy (he's an orphan, of course, because all children in books today either have one parent or no parents) who becomes involved with a director of early black and white movies. The story will keep you interested and guessing right to the very end. But the best part of the book is the way it is told. The story unfolds in words and in pictures. Unlike a traditional story, where the pictures enhance the words, in Hugo Cabret, the pictures are part of the story-- that is, the author includes series of black and white drawings, which tell parts of the story. It's a film-- I mean a book-- you'll want to stay with to the end! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. -Annie

More on Brian Selznick and The Invention of Hugo Cabret:


  1. I agree!
    Tusinella Newspickle

  2. Hugo Cabret Rocks! (like Bruce Willis)
    Peter avnyuagtiavtg

  3. Bran Selznick is briliant
    Larry the cabbage

  4. I really like how the pictures of this 500 page picture book supported the story!

  5. You won't be able to put this book down!


  6. I agree with you!! I love how you wrote Hugo Cabret will....

    Cornelia Somerset

  7. Hey guys!
    Please sign your comments with your first name (as Julien did). If you use a silly pseudonym, we'll never know who's participating in the conversation and contributing these brilliant remarks! Thanks for your additions --- it's so exciting to see them!
    ~ Mrs. K
    (a/k/a Tusinella Newspickle)

  8. That book is sooo good! I really agree.

  9. Yeah, Hugo Cabret is the BEST book! I worried it would take me too long too read because it is so thick. But since half of it is pictures and since I couldn't bear to get away from it, I read it in 24 hours flat.

  10. I really enjoyed this book! The pictures were well illustrated and helped tell the story. The plot and characters kept me interested in the book.

  11. I thought that this was an exciting book with good pictures and had an interesting ending

  12. i loved this book and the illustrations really helped to explain the book further and showed what the author meant. I wasn't able to put it down

  13. I totally agree! This book is the best!! :)


  14. I LOVED this book. It is one of my favorites of all times!

  15. A great book for kids ages 8-12. And annie, whoever you are, you are TOTALLY right about the whole orphan thing.
