Thursday, November 30, 2006

Teen BookVideo Awards 2006

Teen BookVideo Awards 2006 Winners have been announced for the first annual, Random House-sponsored Teen BookVideo Awards. Top filmmakers from across the country competed to create book videos (sort of like a movie trailer, except for a book) for three of the hottest teen books of 2006. The three featured books are: The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, A Great and Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray, and How I Live Now, by Meg Rosoff. You can watch the three winning videos here.

Comment to tell us which video was your favorite and why! Which of these books would you most like to see made into a full-length film?


  1. All 3 videos are really compelling presentations of the books, but I have to say that "The Book Thief" had the most dramatic quality of the three. I loved the mysterious quality of it and the lighting. All 3 books are among the best teen books I've read. So, Young Critics, which do the rest of you chose? Do you think they represented the books in such a way that you could tell what the books were about?

  2. I really liked the clip for "The Book Thief" because it was scary yet not enough to freak you out. I think the one about "A Great and Terrible Beauty" is good too but nothing like the imgages i had in my head. The clip for "How i live Now" was okay but not really explaining enough. It might scare away readers that would really like it too. Some girls and guys in YCC are biast in a way about books with soldiers and violence.
    Don't you agree?
