Thursday, September 07, 2006

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month

September is National Library Card Sign-Up MonthNearly 2/3 of Americans have library cards. If you're among the 1/3 that don't, now is the time to get one! Stop by to sign up-- it only takes a minute!

Your library card is your key to Perrot's collection of over 70,000 items, as well as Greenwich Library's collection of over half a million items. Resources include a wide range of books, magazines, music CDs, DVDs, videos, audiobooks and materials in languages from around the world.

If you are an employee of the Town of Greenwich, you are eligible for a Greenwich library card! Library staff from Perrot and the Greenwich Libraries will have a booth set up at Greenwich Town Hall from 12P.M.-2 P.M. on September 11th through 15th, 2006, to accept library card applications. Just look for the sign in the Town Hall lobby!

Perrot's Youth Services department is also having a special library card promotion-- sign up for a library card or update your information and receive a special treat!

Check out this list of 52 suggestions for ways to use your library card [in .PDF format].

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